Saturday, 19 April 2008

April 19th

I predict that you will predict my day.


Unknown said...

just before lunch time darth vader will call you again to beg you to join his storm troopers
you tell him where he can put his light saber and he cries

you go to make lunch you have lobster and french fries there is no ketchup you use the force to convince somebody to go get some fast

you get an amazing tan just looking out the window and then you get dressed up real fancy and take you lady out on the town, you pass darth in the q for dtm and you meet chewie and go to lostari

busy day boas

Unknown said...

...and then you see He-Man who will use his muscles and teach Boas how to twist his genitals to sertain different objects.
Firts is the Kirahvi and then there´s that Frog that barks and the last one is Broken Damn. Youl´ll get very at the end.