Wednesday, 30 April 2008

30th April

Today you will forget everything,
kick back and enjoy the fact that
the sun is shining and tomorrow is a holiday.
Also consider that you are luckier then others.

Consider this:
"Every truth I speak is a lie
and thats the truth"

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Monday, 28 April 2008

28th April

I want to take this oppurtunity to study the theory of Genesis most extreme album.
It is yes: "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway"

It is a story of a man named Rael who is walking down broadway, minding his own buisness
as suddenly, down an alley, forms a black cloud and a wall rises up and suckes in the biggest
part of Manhattan.
Entering this wall, Rael finds him self in a different world.

This world is something that we would call "Exogenesis".
Exogenesis is a belief saying life was put on earth a long time ago by extra terrestrials.
Rael faces all kinds of odd un-earthly creatures but yet simular to our speices.

Now here is what is so unteresting.
This album was released in 1974.
In that same year an UFO religion by the name of "Raëlian Movement" was founded,
(also known as "Raëlism")

Here follows an article from Wikipedia:

"Raëlians believe that Raël (Claude Vorilhon) received special knowledge and instruction for mankind from the creators of life on Earth, advanced extra terrestrials called Elohim.
Raëlians are cited as one of the largest and fastest growing
UFO religions and have worldwide representation.
Raëlians believe that previous contacts from Elohim have also been made and that they understand that they have been confused as Gods
but that they no longer wish for mankind to believe this way.

They would like to make themselves known to all mankind however desire an awakening to this knowledge to minimize disruption. Raëlians are charged with preparing the world for this event by spreading this message.
Raëlians accept the teachings that include acceptance of the universal ethic, and while the group is non-theistic, hedonistic, and supports human cloning, Raëlians believe that God exists only in the form of Elohim, our advanced extra-terrestrial creators."

So my question is?
Was the Lamb lies down on broadway Genesis biggest attempt to prove its beliefs in extra-terrestrials?
Didnt we get it the first time when Peter Gabriel dressed up as Elohim in "Watcher of the skies"?
Does Raelism and Genesis have anything in common?
Is it a co-incidence that both groups believe in exo-genesis?

Sunday, 27 April 2008

April 27th

This is Estonia.
If you are bad today then you will be sent there.
And if you are good and are allready there, we will come get you away from there.

Todays quote:

"Now this is a story all about how my
Life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I become the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo Homes.. To Bel-Air!"

I.. pulled... up to the house at about 7 or 8
and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes, smell ya later!"
looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To settle my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air."

Saturday, 26 April 2008

26th April

Boas is out of office
Predict your own day

Friday, 25 April 2008

April 25th

Elvis called...
He wants to go out for coffee.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

24th April

Regret nuthin' !

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

April 23rd

You will make a career move today.
Your new career: the Guy who says: "Stop the press!!!"
And my gooooood what a great job..
The feeling of saying "Stop the Press!!!" and then...
...there is only silence..
And the spirit of God floats above...

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

22nd April

This, is Licky-Licky-Chum-Chum's space ship.
You will be onboard this today and have lots of fun.
See the 2 black dots on the craft?
Those are not "beam me up Scotty"- portals.
Those, are the spaceship's teets!.
I suppose you would like to see how the insides look?

Mmmmmmmmmm.... You like that don't you biatch?

Monday, 21 April 2008

April 21st

Your day will be just fine.
Queef has found a friend for
His name is Gorgeus and is from Malaga.

Long live Queef, the saviour of Tellus!!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

20th April

The Alien in yesterdays picture has gotten about 14 years older allready
(you know those aliens, always have to progress faster then us with their UFO's on earth in the 60's) and has come to life. Who knows (well i should) if tomorrow he will jump out of the screen and get all astral on your ass.

His name: ЩоыШПФПЛЫЩ-Licky-Licky-Chum-Chum- жЖЖЖжжЖвошыШШЙ

He is from Google space and will not stop until we finally find that Dark Crystal.

The only guy who can save us from this Astral a-hole is the guy on this picture
(he is the one on the down left and his name is Queef, he is a "Mangina") :

Godspeed Everybody! godspeed...

Saturday, 19 April 2008

April 19th

I predict that you will predict my day.

Friday, 18 April 2008

18th April

Today you will squeel.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

April 17th

Your day will be almost like this
but you will actually get hit by the car

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

April 15th

30000000000000 martians are on there way.
Buy lubricant!!!

Monday, 14 April 2008

14th April

Ariba riba!!!
You wake up and eat much cheese today.
Because its Mexican day today.
Ariba riba!!!
Que pasol? Que pasol?

Todays Apocalyptic rider: Conquest

Sunday, 13 April 2008

April 13th

Well whattayouknow!
Shit happens! With 2 T's!!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

12th April

Read the white text
If you can read this then you will be at the Death of gagarin concert tonight.
This cat will take care that your soul will be at Semifinal at 22:00.
You will travel into "spias" with the lads from The Death of Gagarin.
Afterwards you will have really fun and a strange feeling because of the decompression
that happens after you have been to space.

Todays song: Samba

Friday, 11 April 2008

April 11th

You will spend the whole day
watching "Caligula" and
call Mr. Woodpecker so he
can tell you what the movie
was REALLY about.
Its Friday.
You will party hard
in hell with Sammy Davis JR

Thursday, 10 April 2008

10th April

просыпаться влагалище, ЭТО армагеддон!!!

Todays Quote:
"Celine Dion sings love songs
while our cities are burning"

Tip: Wear a helmet!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

April 9th

You find yourself lying in front of the car with your
hands still shaking and your wallet is full of blood.
The creauture stands behind you, breathing heavily.
It goes away.
Enough bullshit...
You are dreaming and i dont even get paid for this.

Weather: Rain
Lunch: Rain

The evening will be far out..

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

8th April

It's morning. It's bright outside but a little crooked rain.
Your point of destination is the place where you left your umbrellla yesterday.
And then a comet shoots down from the sky, and strange creatures exit the comet.
Slime everywhere and people being mutalized by these extra terrestials.
The streets are bloody as Stockholms bloodbath in 1520 (but only like the 2nd day).
You rush your way to the car with 2 creatures after you...
You reach for your keys...
Your hands are shaking...
The creatures are getting nearer...
......and nearer


Monday, 7 April 2008

April 7th

You are in this video..
You are n
ot at work nor at home.
The fire you see in front of you is a house
that has been burnt down by yourself.
You kinda regret it...
...ti terger adnik uoY
Everybody you care for are inside.
(don't be a cry-baby)

Anyway,,, you can't see them to cleary
but there are guards doing their
duty, having their walkabouts..
u have to get in there!
You have to put out that horrible fire.

You will not succeed..
NASA is after your ass...
This is how you deal with it:
Send me a message at
or comment or e-mail
and write:
"My ass is not grass"
and you will be fine...


6th April

You start slowly realizing that yesterday was a BIT too
fun and you wake up as the picture shows...
Literally and concretically

Life is shit....

. . . . . . . . . . die!!

...aaaaaaaaand ressurect knowing that you have a small adventure ahead of you.. but seriously,,,,,, you die!

April 5th

Hmmmm... April 5th is the
"perhosten kesä" pilot episode
(the summer of butterflies)

Friday, 4 April 2008

4th April

You will spend the whole weekend wondering whats in this video
and not check this page again until monday so the secret can be revealed.

I will be in a summercabin....

. won

Thursday, 3 April 2008

April 3rd

8 different people will wake you up as you slander a religion in your sleep.
Then its lunch time.
You will hesitate going out today due to the fact that there is a new ruler in town.
His name is "Licky-Licky-Chum-Chum" and he has his mind set on a new trend called:
"I-dont-remember-where-I-parked-my-car-so-I-cant-get-to-work" -kinda clothing.

After lunch you go get yourself one of those. Funny thing is that everybody on the streets are throwing up green glowing goo. "HAHA!" you think to yourself..."Not me"..... Yes you!

That goo is later to be known as evolution!

Todays hypocracy: A brown Orange

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

2nd April

"Nothing will happen today"

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

April 1st

"TRUMPETTI" is the word of the day.
And believe me, every truth I say is a lie!